Monday, November 10, 2008


I was just thinking yesterday - it's been pretty uneventful with my kids lately - what am I going to write about on the blog? Could have done without this one!

We always joke that Ansley is an 'accident waiting to happen.' It just seems if someone is going to get hurt, it's going to be her. Partly because she has one speed - FAST! Well, yesterday was one of the biggest 'accidents' that she has had. She was riding her bike home from the playground with Matt and her friend, Sydney. There was a place on the sidewalk where the street drain (a big cement square - I don't know what you really call it) meets the sidewalk. She was riding pretty fast (which is nothing new) and the wheel caught right in that crack. Off she flew! Matt thought for sure when he picked her up that she would have broken her cheek or jaw bone since her face is what hit first. Thankfully, she just had some scrapes on her face and a bloody lip. This morning she still looks pretty rough though. She will have quite the story to tell at school today. Speaking of school - wouldn't you know it - school pictures are Thursday . . .